Saturday, December 4, 2010

Turn in the road

Well, no one said that anything worth fighting for would be easy.  Adoption is no exception.  Our quest for an international adoption took an unexpected turn in the last few weeks, thus the sparceness of posting to the blog.

First came the news that the Ukraine had passed the first vote to envoke a moretoreum on international adoptions.  This is the first of several votes required, but definately put us on edge.  We have quite a bit of money due in Jan and its tough to make the call to pay it if the country might close as that would mean we would loose the money and with that much paid we'd have to call abd end to our quest for the child we know is out there some where waiting for us.

Next, we lost the support for the up-front money we thought we were going to have for the adoption due to a turn of events.  With that loss we were faced with taking out a loan, which we do not believe for us is appropriate as it migh comprimise the long-term care the new adopted family member will probably need.

So, after a very enlightening discussion with my family, and an offer by them to give us a third of the money we need, we decided perhaps we were being shown in a not-so-subtle way that we were looking in the wrong direction.  Perhaps its not an international adoption that we are being called to do.  Perhaps, we need to adopt closer to home.

After some deliberation and discussions with our social worker, we've chosen to adopt through an agency here in Texas a waiting child from CPS.  We have our first informational meeting on Thursday to meet with the new agency. 

So, as one chapter ends in our story, a new and hopeful chapter begins.  I, too, was adopted from CPS in another state, so in a way, this turn in the road is quite poetic for me on a personal level.  We'll keep you posted.


  1. I am so happy for you! The Lord sometimes does reveal a turn in the road as we follow Him. I wish you His peace as you follow Him in this new direction! I can't wait to hear the details of this "state side" adoption - I hope you plan to continue to share your journey. (so, does this mean you will no longer be taking Russian lessons?)

  2. I definitely will continue to blog, and I hope you continue to follow it. I want our future child to be able to have this blog to help him understand how hard we fought to get him and to know how much we loved him before we knew him.
    Our daughter and I have both fallen in love with the Russian language, so we both intend on continuing to study and learn it. I love languages, and Russian is a great challenge and a lot of fun!

  3. Thank you for continuing to document your journey and I will stay tuned with interest and prayer! :) Good for you for continuing your russian! Two thoughts on the Russian language: the word for snow is disappointing "schnick" (?) and the word for husband is funny "moosh". How old is your daughter?

    sally healy

  4. You know you are in our prayers.


  5. Hi Elaine! I get your phone message. I haven't had a chance to call you back. I will tonight or tomorrow if I can.

  6. Sally,

    My daughter is almost 11. She likes the word for brother. Brat. Lol!
